terça-feira, julho 11, 2006


You got wires, going in
You got wires, coming out of your skin
You got tears, making tracks
I got tears, that are scared of the facts

Running down corridors
Through automatic doors
Got to get to you, got to see this through
I see hope is here, in a plastic box
I've seen christmas lights, reflect in your eyes

You got wires, going in
You got wires, coming out of your skin
There's dry blood, on your wrist
Your dry blood, on my fingertip

Running down corridors
Through automatic doors
Got to get to you, got to see this through
First night of your life, curled up on your own
Looking at you now, you would never know

I see it in your eyes
I see it in your eyes
You'll be alright
I see it in your eyes
I see it in your eyes
You'll be alright

Running ... down corridors, through, automatic doors,
Got to get to you, got to see this through,
I see hope is here, in a plastic box,
I've seen christmas lights, reflect in your eyes,

Down corridors, through automatic doors,
Got to get to you, got to see this through,
First night of your life, curled up on your own,
Looking at you now, you would never know

song by: Athlete

4 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

es mesmo tu que aqui escreves???

es aquele que entrou nos morangos?


Anónimo disse...

Oiço a melodia tocante de “wires” mesmo sem ter de accionar os fios à corrente eléctrica… retenho na memória esta canção eterna, que diz ver esperança no brilho do olhar do/a enfermo/a. Procuro acreditar que é possível resistir aos fios que nos amarram, ou, noutra perspectiva, reluzir com a ajuda deles…

rik@rdo disse...

Só para deixar aquele abraço. Estarei atento, "vil" ;)

Anónimo disse...

A musica e fixe


Escrito por franciso e henrique